Where moms come together to learn about money – in all the ways it impacts our lives – with love. Discover how you can feel confident with your finances; ditch the money shame and guilt; raise independent, money-savvy little humans; and give yourself the freedom and stability to live your best life. We’ll discuss budgeting, debt freedom, investing, career development, entrepreneurship, and more.

Thursday Aug 27, 2020
How to Own Your Fear & Do It Scared with Ruth Soukup
Thursday Aug 27, 2020
Thursday Aug 27, 2020
#062: In today’s episode, I’m talking with course creator, podcast host, and author of “Do It Scared”, Ruth Soukup. Ruth's passion project and blog started as a way to redirect her passion for spending too much money at Target every week. Ruth’s story is powerful because of her willingness to own her fear during hard emotional seasons such as bankruptcy and divorce. We’re going to discuss how action is the antidote to fear, why you don’t have to be an expert to get started, and why the road to success can be insanely bumpy.
(01:41) Hear why it was a tad ironic that Ruth started a blog titled “Living Well, Spending Less”
(08:20) How Ruth wrestled with the guilt of pursuing a passion project that wasn’t making any money yet
(14:48) Find out why it was possible for someone from an affluent home to file for bankruptcy at such a young age
(23:09) Discover the steps that lead to the launch of Elite Blog Academy
(31:48) Learn about the 7 fear archetypes that make up your unique fear fingerprint
(49:43) Chelsea’s Top Takeaways
Looking for more information, mama? Visit the show notes at https://www.smartmoneymamas.com/ruth
Discover Your Passion Project Workbook: https://smartmoneymamas.com/passion-project-workbook/

Monday Aug 24, 2020
How to Know When to Invest in Your Business
Monday Aug 24, 2020
Monday Aug 24, 2020
#061: In today’s episode, I’ve got some practical advice on how to know when to invest in your business. The fear of failing can keep you from ever getting started, but you’ll burn out fast without a plan to invest somehow! We’ll cover how to decide on your start-up budget, when to buy online tools and courses, and when to outsource and bring on help.
(04:27) Why you must question your scarcity mindset when it’s time to invest in your business
(06:49) Some creative ways to mitigate the cost of your initial investment
(11:24) Discover why boot-strapping a business can make you successful
(18:41) Learn why the search for the “perfect” tool can impede your progress
(26:41) Find out why your business doesn’t need another “you”
Looking for more information, mama? Visit the show notes at https://www.smartmoneymamas.com/61
Design Your Passion Project Workbook: https://smartmoneymamas.com/passion-project-workbook/

Thursday Aug 20, 2020
How to Align Motherhood and Your Big Ambitions with Rebecca Olson
Thursday Aug 20, 2020
Thursday Aug 20, 2020
#060: In today’s episode, I’m talking with Rebecca Olson, life coach, and founder of the Aligning Motherhood coaching program. Rebecca helps moms redefine balance by helping you consider what brings you the most energy so you can pursue that more often and confidently say no to what drains you.
We’re going to discuss being more willing to sit with uncomfortable feelings, why knowing your why is crucial, and what questions you can ask yourself to make more aligned decisions in your career and in motherhood.
(06:44) Listen to Rebecca share her decision-making process before she made the leap to start a coaching business
(09:27) Discover what impact Rebecca’s career transition had on her whole family.
(25:28) Hear about how Rebecca helps moms get clarity by defining your values, purpose, and identity.
(40:25) Find out the reason why our brains get lazy more often than we prefer
(45: 24) Learn what makes you 90% more likely to reach the goals you set for yourself.
(51:40) Chelsea’s Top Takeaways
Looking for more information, mama? Visit the show notes at
Discover Your Passion Project Workbook: https://smartmoneymamas.com/passion-project-workbook/

Monday Aug 17, 2020
How to Take Small Steps to Reach Your Big Goals
Monday Aug 17, 2020
Monday Aug 17, 2020
#059: In today’s episode, I’m talking to all you high-achievers who are getting stuck because you need to be able to check all the boxes to dive in. It’s time to reframe what you know about traditional goal-setting. I’ll even share the story of how Smart Money Mamas started with a simple blog! We’re talking about why taking small steps and consistent action is powerful, why big goals can lead to big disappointments, and why there are no regrets in taking small steps.
(07:00) Learn why your Step #2-10 will only be illuminated once you take Step #1
(08:55) Listen to see if this is your #1 objection when it comes to taking small steps
(9:18) Why you need to reframe your goals to focus less on the destination
(16:30) Check out the small steps Chelsea took that lead her to develop what is now Smart Money Mamas
(20:20) Why there’s no such thing as a wasted step on this journey
Looking for more information, mama? Visit the show notes at https://www.smartmoneymamas.com/59
Design Your Passion Project Workbook: https://smartmoneymamas.com/passion-project-workbook/

Thursday Aug 13, 2020
How to Get Unstuck and Why You’re Not Really Lost with Maxie McCoy
Thursday Aug 13, 2020
Thursday Aug 13, 2020
#058 In today’s episode, I’m talking with Maxie McCoy, She is on a mission to help women believe in themselves and break out of the mold they were never meant to fit in the first place. We’re going to discuss the specific steps you can take to get unstuck, why your past success is the best predictor of your future success, and why you should be more focused on the direction than the destination.
(07:10) Listen as Maxie breaks down the steps for deconstructing when you are feeling lost, stuck, or you’re just playing small
(15:30) Hear about the moment she realized she needed to break the mold in her own career
(21:43) Why Maxie believes investing in yourself is a game-changer and how she almost missed her chance to become an author
(26:30) How Maxie learned first-hand how that next big goal can be a bit of an evaporating horizon line
(31:30) Why all the years you’ve invested in building a career are NOT a waste if you’re ready for a change
(47:46) Chelsea’s Top Takeaways
Looking for more information, mama? Visit the show notes at https://www.smartmoneymamas.com/maxie
Discover Your Passion Project Workbook: https://smartmoneymamas.com/passion-project-workbook/

Monday Aug 10, 2020
How to Know When You Need a Passion Project
Monday Aug 10, 2020
Monday Aug 10, 2020
#057: Have you ever felt like you’re just not doing what you’re meant to do? Like your life is on autopilot and things are mostly great, but lacking that on fire, purpose-driven energy you used to chase? It might be time to consider a passion project.
Today, I’m sharing five signs you need a passion project. 2020 has forced us all to take a closer look at our lives - what matters, what we want, what we most need to thrive. This is the perfect time to reset and do something just for you. It could change your whole life!
Find jump links to the 5 signs below:
(02:21) When you don’t feel like you’re being true to yourself.
(05:22) When you’re overwhelmingly busy, but also bored.
(08:05) When you dread going to work in the morning.
(12:03) When you’re feeling stuck.
(13:59) When you have an idea you keep saying “someday” to.
Looking for more information, mama? Visit the show notes at https://www.smartmoneymamas.com/57
Free Design Your Passion Project Workbook: https://smartmoneymamas.com/passion-project-workbook/

Thursday Aug 06, 2020
How to Refuse to Accept Limitations and Thrive with Tasha Cochran
Thursday Aug 06, 2020
Thursday Aug 06, 2020
#056 In today’s episode, I’m talking with Tasha Cochran, co-founder of One Big Happy Life. Tasha is a perfect example of someone who has gone against the grain at just about every turn from joining the marine corp just out of high school, to buying a house as a single mom, to graduating from Yale with a law degree she used to protect minorities and women from housing and loan discrimination. Tasha shares how her career journey unfolded in waves, how she made difficult decisions, and how that ultimately led her to growing a business she loves that works on her terms.
(07:23) How Tasha was able to ditch the narrative that being pregnant at 19 meant her life was “over”
(12:32) How she made a spending plan to give her the freedom to explore her next career
(18:54) Money or Passion: How Tasha’s motivations drove her decision-making
(28:07) What’s being done to close the gap in racial wealth inequality today and address housing discrimination
(38:23) Discover how One Big Happy Life actually evolved from a YouTube channel for natural hair care
(56:36) Chelsea’s Top Takeaways
Looking for more information, mama? Visit the show notes at https://www.smartmoneymamas.com/tasha
Design Your Passion Project Workbook: https://smartmoneymamas.com/passion-project-workbook/

Monday Aug 03, 2020
4 Things You Need to Know About Passion & Purpose-Driven Work
Monday Aug 03, 2020
Monday Aug 03, 2020
#055: Have you been thinking of starting a side hustle or passion project? Whether you’re seeking an extra stream of revenue in these uncertain times or you just want to find more fulfillment in your work, it’s all worthwhile. Times have changed dramatically since our parents started their careers, and it’s time to take note of this. Today, I’m sharing four things to consider that will help you rethink some of those old narratives about what it means to pursue passion and purpose-driven work. It’s time to make that passion work for you.
(04:22) Recognize that passion and purpose-driven work can pay well
(07:18) Why your passion isn’t static and it’s okay if you don’t know what yours is right now
(9:18) Why it’s important to know that just because you love it, doesn’t mean it’s always fun
(12:03) Why you shouldn’t be afraid to start small
(16:19) Why you can’t afford to wait to build your passion and purpose-driven business
Looking for more information, mama? Visit the show notes at https://www.smartmoneymamas.com/55
Design Your Passion Project Workbook: https://smartmoneymamas.com/passion-project-workbook/

Thursday Jul 30, 2020
How to Make Power Moves to Find Your Successful Career with Lauren McGoodwin
Thursday Jul 30, 2020
Thursday Jul 30, 2020
#054: In this episode, I’m talking with Lauren McGoodwin, author of Power Moves: How Women Can Pivot, Reboot, and Build a Career of Purpose. She is also the founder of Career Contessa, where she helps women build successful and fulfilling careers on their terms. Lauren’s genius lies in helping identify every size of power move you can make when you stop waiting for your dream job. We talk about why your career path looks more like a jungle gym than a ladder, why hustle culture needs to die, and why your fear of money can keep you stuck in a career you loathe.
(03:00) What a power move is and why they need to be a part of your daily life
(09:08) How we can figure out what we actually want in a career rather than just being reactive to what’s going on in this world
(19:14) How can we focus on self-care at the office to make sure we’re avoiding burnout
(26:55) How we can continue to develop good relationships with co-workers and make new relationships all while we’re working from home
(34:43) Why your fear of money might be preventing you from pursuing higher-paying jobs
(46:26) Chelsea’s Top Takeaways
Looking for more information, mama? Visit the show notes at https://www.smartmoneymamas.com/lauren
Free 200+ Home Business Ideas: https://smartmoneymamas.com/home-biz-ideas/

Monday Jul 27, 2020
Monday Jul 27, 2020
#053: For this episode, we asked the mamas in our free Mamas Talk Money Community on Facebook to send us their questions. If one person in our community has a question, there are no doubt others wondering the same thing.
Today we’re going to discuss saving for retirement for stay-at-home spouses, investing for kids, when to create an LLC for your business, handling taxes as a business owner, and more!
(01:13) What would be the best retirement account to open for my husband who earns an income but stays at home with the kids? Spousal IRA or his own?
(02:52) If I want to open an investment account, but not have to monitor it all that much, would I need a robo advisor like Ellevest, or is there an option with Fidelity/Vanguard that is fairly hands-off and doesn’t have the .25% fee?
(06:32) What is the best way to move money from my kids’ regular saving accounts to an actual investment account so that they can get a better than 1% return on their money?
(11:20) When does it make sense to register a side-hustle as an LLC?
(14:50) I opened a Roth IRA with Vanguard! Is there anything to keep in mind when allocating funds to get the most tax advantage? What considerations should someone take when allocating funds in a Roth vs Traditional IRA?
(17:55) I have a new virtual assistant business but it’s the first time I’ve worked without having taxes taken out and I’m nervous about owing a lot at the end of the year. What should I keep in mind to prepare?
Looking for more information, mama? Visit the show notes at https://www.smartmoneymamas.com/53
Money Mamas Guide to Investing Template: https://smartmoneymamas.com/mamas-investing-guide/