Where moms come together to learn about money – in all the ways it impacts our lives – with love. Discover how you can feel confident with your finances; ditch the money shame and guilt; raise independent, money-savvy little humans; and give yourself the freedom and stability to live your best life. We’ll discuss budgeting, debt freedom, investing, career development, entrepreneurship, and more.

Thursday Apr 08, 2021
How to Spring Clean Your Life With the KonMari Method with Cassidy Nasello
Thursday Apr 08, 2021
Thursday Apr 08, 2021
#102 In today's episode, I'm talking with certified personal coach, Cassidy Nasello. I wanted to bring Cassidy on the show to share how using the KonMari method (of Marie Kondo) can help you do a reset on your life as you dive into spring cleaning.
We're talking about the best place to start using the KonMari Method, the deeper emotional work you will dive into, and how you can even simplify and declutter your finances.
(3:45) Learn how Cassidy took the plunge to start her own business even as a typically risk-averse personality
(06:03) Listen to Cassidy describe why the KonMari Method is way more about your vision for your life than it is about tidying and systems
(14:29) Discover how you can use the KonMari Method even as a busy mama
(18:35) Find out how you can declutter without filling up the landfills at the same time
(32:29) Listen to how Cassidy and her husband simplify and declutter their finances
Looking for more information, mama? Visit the show notes at https://www.smartmoneymamas.com/102
Grab your FREE Passion Project Workbook: https://smartmoneymamas.com/passion-project-workbook/

Thursday Apr 01, 2021
How to Get Good with Money & Become Financially Whole with Tiffany Aliche
Thursday Apr 01, 2021
Thursday Apr 01, 2021
#101 In today's episode I'm talking with America's favorite personal finances advisor, Tiffany "The Budgetnista" Aliche. She's used her teaching degree to become an expert in helping women transform their relationships with money so they can become financially whole.
We're talking about the 10 steps to financial wholeness that she covers in Get Good with Money, how to reframe your long-term savings goals, and how to protect your dignity while working to pay off debt.
(9:08) Listen to Tiffany’s definition of financial wholeness
(10:37) Discover how you can simplify your expenses into three categories so you can have more control over your budget
(15:13) Find out why it might be worth it to say no to brunch and yes to Morocco
(20:23) Struggling to prioritize saving for retirement? This idea will help!
(28:58) This is how you can reduce your anxiety when dealing with debt collectors
(32:39) Here are some quick tips if you’re trying to balance saving an emergency fund and paying off debt at the same time
(57:42) Chelsea’s Top Takeaways
Looking for more information, mama? Visit the show notes at https://smartmoneymamas.com/101
Grab your FREE Meaningful Money Kickstart Guide! https://smartmoneymamas.com/meaningful-money-goal-worksheet/

Monday Mar 29, 2021
Monday Mar 29, 2021
#100 For this episode, we asked the mamas in our free Mamas Talk Money Community on Facebook to send us their questions. If one person in our community has a question, there are no doubt others wondering the same thing.
Today we’re going to discuss 529 savings goals, forming LLCs and new home budgets as we celebrate and reflect on 100 episodes on the Smart Money Mamas Show!
(1:35) Find out which episodes have been favorites for Lauren and the SMM team
(8:07) Discover what Chelsea learned and loved about starting her own podcast
(10:31) Erica asks, "How do I come up with a goal for 529 savings? I'm wondering how to make a decision on whether to prioritize college savings over other FI goals."
(17:13) Justine asks, "How do I choose which ETFs to invest in?"
(26:13) Nicole says, "For hobby incomes at what point does it make sense to create an LLC or issue yourself a 1099 so you can write off expenses?"
(29:50) Beth says, "I know we're generally encouraged to put 20% down on a new home. Is there a suggested amount to save for on-going home maintenance and/or emergencies?"

Thursday Mar 25, 2021
How to Bounce Back After Divorce as a Stay-At-Home-Mom with Leah Hadley
Thursday Mar 25, 2021
Thursday Mar 25, 2021
#099 In today's episode, I'm talking with best-selling author and Certified Divorce Financial Analyst, Leah Hadley. Leah has faced many challenging life transitions including adopting three kids overnight, divorce, and a job loss. Now she works with moms who need to rebuild a strong financial foundation for the next phase of their life.
We're talking about how to take the emotion out of the hard decisions, how to stay in control of your income even when it changes, and why you need to let yourself dream again.
(5:16) Learn how Leah works with couples to get on the same page financially
(10:49) Listen to Leah tell about their foster to adopt journey with her three kiddos
(18:55) Find out what resources Leah used most to work through the stress of the divorce
(21:25) Discover Leah's advice if you find yourself needing to transition from 2 incomes down to 1.
(42:57) This is how you can stay in control of your income even in an unstable season
(48:19) Chelsea’s Top Takeaways
Looking for more information, mama? Visit the show notes at https://www.smartmoneymamas.com/99
Grab your FREE Emergency Preparedness Checklist https://smartmoneymamas.com/financial-emergency-preparedness-checklist/

Thursday Mar 18, 2021
How to Redefine Wealth & Stop Doing All the Things with Patrice Washington
Thursday Mar 18, 2021
Thursday Mar 18, 2021
#098 In today's episode, I'm talking with author and founder of Redefining Wealth, Patrice Washington. She's passionate about helping women build the 6 pillars of wealth which she breaks down in her book Redefine Wealth For Yourself.
Patrice's personal journey of having wealth, losing it, and rebuilding it again is a story of resilience we all need to hear. We're talking about prioritizing your physical health as a mom, setting boundaries to protect what's most important, and how to tap into your network of support as you chase your big goals.
(11:03) Learn how self-diagnosing almost cost Patrice her life
(16:58) Find out why it's critical for you to build in your pillars of support
(24:25) Learn how Patrice and her husband rebuilt their lives after financial disaster
(35:48) Struggling with boundaries to separate family and work? Start here
(40:18) Why you need to stay honest about your money story - even with your kids
(35:48) Chelsea’s Top Takeaways
Looking for more information, mama? Visit the show notes at https://www.smartmoneymamas.com/patrice
Grab your FREE Meaningful Money Kickstarter Guide https://smartmoneymamas.com/meaningful-money-goal-worksheet/

Thursday Mar 11, 2021
How to Manage Money When Experiencing Grief with Nora McInerny
Thursday Mar 11, 2021
Thursday Mar 11, 2021
#097 Today I'm talking with author and podcast host of Terrible, Thanks for Asking, Nora McInerny. Nora became a widow at a young age. While grief hit her like a freight train, she still manages to find cracks of light through humor and amazing communities like the Hot Young Widows Club and Still Kickin.
Still Kickin is the fulfillment of her late husband's dream to help families find support in hard times. We're talking about the impact of grief on your brain and body, and the practical financial advice Nora has for anyone else walking out a similar journey.
Mama, please know that this episode does cover difficult topics like cancer, loss of a spouse, and miscarriage. If you need to, skip this one and check out another episode today.
(3:23) Why humor has become a way for Nora to find those cracks of light in the middle of grief
(12:07) Find out about the financial situation Nora and Aaron were facing when he got sick
(20:59) Check out the emotional and financial resources Still Kickin offers
(26:53) These are the ways Nora is paving a new path with her finances (and what she’s having grace on herself for)
(39:52) This is permission for you to release all expectations on yourself while you’re grieving
(43:39) Chelsea’s Top Takeaways
Looking for more information mama? Visit the show notes at https://www.smartmoneymamas.com/nora
Grab your FREE Family Emergency Preparedness Checklist: https://smartmoneymamas.com/financial-emergency-preparedness-checklist/

Thursday Mar 04, 2021
How to Control Your Finances Like a Rebel Mama with Aleks Jassem & Nikita Stanley
Thursday Mar 04, 2021
Thursday Mar 04, 2021
#096 In today's episode, I'm talking with co-founders of The Rebel Mama, Nikita Stanley and Aleks Jassem. These two are paving a new road for the face of motherhood that centers around authenticity and empowerment.
We're talking about how they built their business on maternity leave, mindful consumerism as a new mom, and how they overcame their fears about their own finances in order to empower other mamas.
(5:03) How these two built their business on maternity leave
(10:34) Why you need to get a hold of Rebel Mamas' self-published book, The Handbook for Cool Moms
(13:47) Why mindful consumerism needs to replace your fear of being a bad mom
(16:45) Discover exactly why money is so important to empowerment for mothers
(18:55) This was Aleks and Nikita's money mindset before they started paving a new path
(31:18) Have you thought about your plan for returning to work after the baby comes? Here are some things to consider if you haven't
(49:53) Chelsea's Top Takeaways

Thursday Feb 25, 2021
February Mailbag: Investing and Retirement
Thursday Feb 25, 2021
Thursday Feb 25, 2021
#095 In this episode, we asked the mamas in our free Mamas Talk Money Community on Facebook to send us their questions.
If one person in our community has a question, there are no doubt others wondering the same thing.
Today we’re going to discuss more specifics about retirement funds, and investing!
(03:44) Kelli wants to know, "What is the recommended percentage to save for retirement? Should you have a Roth IRA in addition to a 401K?"
(9:51) Court asks, "I know we need to be invested in small caps, medium and large caps - How do I know if I'm diversified into all three groups?"
(19:12) Amanda says, "My employer-sponsored 401K offers target-date funds as an investment option. Do you recommend?"
(23:03) Cathryn asks "Is FOREX a real way to make money? Pros and cons?"
(27:07) Evelyn wonders, "Is it necessary for each spouse to have a retirement account? My employer offers a 401k with 4% match and pays the yearly fees while my husband is a teacher and his employer offers a 403b with no match and he has to pay the maintenance fees.
Looking for more information, mama? Visit the show notes at https://www.smartmoneymamas.com/95
Money Mamas Guide to Investing Template: https://smartmoneymamas.com/mamas-investing-guide/

Thursday Feb 18, 2021
How to Give With More Impact: What You Need to Know with Kris Putnam-Walkerly
Thursday Feb 18, 2021
Thursday Feb 18, 2021
#094 In today’s episode, I’m talking with Global Philanthropy Advisor and Expert, Kris Putnam-Walkerly. She is the author of Delusion Altruism, which highlights the truth that how we give is just as important as how much we give.
We’re talking about why you don’t need to be wealthy to be a philanthropist, why philanthropists can struggle with a scarcity mindset, and how you can take your first step to give with more impact today!
(4:33) This is a definition of philanthropy you might connect with
(6:56) This is why how we give is just as important as how much we give
(11:45) Listen to find out how non-profits find ways to measure their impact
(15:17) Why philanthropists can ironically carry a scarcity mindset
(37:22) Why we need to be adaptive as funders and stop being paralyzed by the unknown
(40:22) Here’s step one of how you can become a philanthropic family
(45:49) Chelsea's Top Takeaways
Looking for more information, mama? Visit the show notes at https://www.smartmoneymamas.com/kris
Grab your FREE Family Money Values Worksheet https://smartmoneymamas.com/family-money-values-template/

Thursday Feb 11, 2021
How to Manage Your Money as a Power Couple with Tai & Talaat McNeely
Thursday Feb 11, 2021
Thursday Feb 11, 2021
#093 In today’s episode, I'm talking with power couple and financial educators, Tai and Talaat McNeely. They are passionate about helping you and your spouse or partner get on the same page so you can become tenacious about reaching your financial goals together.
We're talking about dealing with bringing debt into a marriage, how to start money conversations with your partner, and how to establish your own family money values.
(4:12) Discover how this couple got out of debt in their first year of marriage and went on to pay off their house
(9:09) This is why you always need to put all your financial cards on the table
(13:25) Find out how getting on the same team financially improved other areas of Tai and Talaat's marriage
(16:29) Hear the story of that time they flipped a house right in time for the recession
(38:56) This is how you can stop blaming your partner for your money struggles
(43:52) Chelsea’s Top Takeaways
Looking for more information, mama?
Visit the show notes at https://www.smartmoneymamas.com/93
Grab your FREE Family Money Values Worksheet https://smartmoneymamas.com/family-money-values-template/