Where moms come together to learn about money – in all the ways it impacts our lives – with love. Discover how you can feel confident with your finances; ditch the money shame and guilt; raise independent, money-savvy little humans; and give yourself the freedom and stability to live your best life. We’ll discuss budgeting, debt freedom, investing, career development, entrepreneurship, and more.

Thursday Mar 05, 2020
How to Invest Like a Financial Grownup with Bobbi Rebell
Thursday Mar 05, 2020
Thursday Mar 05, 2020
#012: If investing seems out of reach, you can be certain that you’re not alone. Too often, we’re led to believe that investing has to be an all-or-nothing, one-size-fits-all approach. Today, we want to bring a level of understanding and compassion to a topic that is scary for a lot of moms.
In this episode, Chelsea talks with Bobbi Rebell, a certified financial planner and podcast host, who shares how to get started investing when you’re a beginner and how investing can help you gain long-term financial success.
Looking for more information, mama? Visit the show notes at https://www.smartmoneymamas.com/bobbi
Money Mama’s Guide to Investing: https://smartmoneymamas.com/mamas-investing-guide/

Monday Mar 02, 2020
Opening Up to Financial Growth
Monday Mar 02, 2020
Monday Mar 02, 2020
#011: At first glance, the idea of financial growth can seem intimidating and a bit like a pipe dream, if we’re being honest. But building wealth is something each and every one of us can do, regardless of where we stand with our finances right now.
In this episode, Chelsea introduces the concept of financial growth, discusses how it’s easier to do than you may think, and shares ways you can start to grow your wealth and make the small changes that lead to big results.
Looking for more information, mama? Visit the show notes at https://www.smartmoneymamas.com/11
Free Money Mamas Guide to Investing: https://smartmoneymamas.com/mamas-investing-guide/
Free 200+ Home Business Ideas: https://smartmoneymamas.com/home-biz-ideas/

Thursday Feb 27, 2020
Failing Forward & Knowing Your Worth as a Business Owner with Jamila Souffrant
Thursday Feb 27, 2020
Thursday Feb 27, 2020
#010: Having the courage to take risks and go after your biggest money goals can be exciting and scary all at the same time. And more often than not, the fear of failure is enough to keep us playing it small. But failure will always be a part of the process. Learning to embrace the failures and view them as an opportunity to learn from is the key to creating success.
In today’s episode, Jamila Souffrant - founder of Journey to Launch - shares how she knew two things from an early age: she wanted to be rich and she wanted to work for herself. We’ll explore how that mindset has led to a more profitable business and how her failures have actually made her a more successful business owner. She’ll motivate you to create your own confidence to go after your biggest goals without being afraid of the failures that may come your way.
Looking for more information, mama? Visit the show notes at https://www.smartmoneymamas.com/jamila
Free Healthy Money Mantras Worksheet: https://smartmoneymamas.com/healthy-money-mindset-workbook/

Monday Feb 24, 2020
5 Mindset Shifts to Help You Earn More Money
Monday Feb 24, 2020
Monday Feb 24, 2020
#009: Earning more money means something different to each of us. Most of us are conditioned to think that if we want to make more, we need to work more. And it’s true to some degree, but hustling longer and harder will often lead to burnout if we don’t first address the mindset that has us locked in a place of underearning.
If we want to make more without necessarily working more, we have to first do the mindset work that allows us to earn more per hour of hustle. The work that lets us value our skills and ourselves enough to demand more. In today’s episode, Chelsea shares 5 mindset shifts that will help you own your value, embrace your potential for growth, and increase your earning potential.
Looking for more information, mama? Visit the show notes at https://www.smartmoneymamas.com/9
Free Healthy Money Mantras Worksheet: https://smartmoneymamas.com/healthy-money-mindset-workbook/

Thursday Feb 20, 2020
Understanding and Healing Your Financial Anxiety with Lindsay Bryan-Podvin
Thursday Feb 20, 2020
Thursday Feb 20, 2020
#008: Having a healthy mindset surrounding money doesn't guarantee that financial anxiety won’t ever creep in. In fact, financial anxiety is a normal, and very common, emotion that we all experience, no matter where we are on our financial journey. Learning how to conquer that anxiety is crucial to stopping negative beliefs about our abilities and what we’re able to achieve when it comes to our money.
Lindsay Bryan-Podvin—founder of Mind Money Balance and author of the brand new book, The Financial Anxiety Solution—combines financial literacy with the emotional and psychological side of money. In today’s episode, Lindsay is going to take us on a journey into how she came to focus on financial anxiety and why deprivation-based personal finance advice isn’t for everyone. She’ll explain how you can identify your own sources of anxiety surrounding money and steps you can take to create healthier money stories.
Looking for more information, mama? Visit the show notes at https://www.smartmoneymamas.com/lindsay
Free Healthy Money Mantras Worksheet: https://smartmoneymamas.com/healthy-money-mindset-workbook/

Monday Feb 17, 2020
How to Budget With a Mindset of Abundance
Monday Feb 17, 2020
Monday Feb 17, 2020
#007: Far too often, budgeting is discussed as a way to limit, restrict, or tighten down our spending. Words matter—and these ways of talking and thinking about budgeting are holding us back from having the healthy relationship with money and wealth we want.
But we all have the power to change the way we think. If we can associate budgeting with mindfulness, intention, and joy, we can change the way we feel about it. In this episode, Chelsea shares 5 strategies to help you shift your mindset to budget from a place of abundance and love.
Looking for more information, mama? Visit the show notes at https://smartmoneymamas.com/7
Free Healthy Money Mantras Worksheet: https://smartmoneymamas.com/healthy-money-mindset-workbook/

Thursday Feb 13, 2020
Thursday Feb 13, 2020
#006: Talking about money with your spouse can be tough, especially if it hasn’t gone well in the past. Having the same life goals doesn’t necessarily mean you have the same financial goals or the same ideas about how to get there.
In today's episode, Elle Martinez - founder of Couple Money and author of Jumpstart Your Marriage and Your Money - shares how managing money with your partner is all about learning to work better together as a couple in all areas of life. It’s not about blame—it’s about self-awareness and compassion and respect. If you work on understanding your own money mindset first, then your partner’s, it’s so much easier to create and stick to a plan that will take you where you both want to go.
Looking for more information, mama? Visit the show notes at https://www.smartmoneymamas.com/elle
Free Healthy Money Mantras Worksheet: https://smartmoneymamas.com/healthy-money-mindset-workbook/

Monday Feb 10, 2020
6 Crucial Steps to Make Money Mantras Work for You
Monday Feb 10, 2020
Monday Feb 10, 2020
#005: Money mantras are powerful things - they open us up to a whole new way of seeing the world. But they aren’t magic wishes from a genie. To make them work, we have to commit to changing the habits that will then make our mantra reality.
In this episode, Chelsea talks about how to make mantras work for you, so you can use them to build your own money confidence and find new ways to pursue your goals.
Looking for more information, mama? Visit the show notes at https://www.smartmoneymamas.com/003
Free Healthy Money Mantras Worksheet: https://smartmoneymamas.com/healthy-money-mindset-workbook/

Thursday Feb 06, 2020
How to Skyrocket Your Business with the Right Mindset with Rosemarie Groner
Thursday Feb 06, 2020
Thursday Feb 06, 2020
#004: Any successful person will tell you that having a healthy mindset is an ongoing effort. You have to work to maintain that healthy mindset as you keep working towards becoming your best self. As we grow and change, our mindset has to grow and change with us.
Rosemarie Groner grew her wildly successful blog, The Busy Budgeter, to a full-time income in 10 months and to $100K per month by year 2. But finding rapid business and financial success didn’t change her deeply ingrained money beliefs. The emotions we have around money are deep-rooted and having more money doesn’t necessarily change that. In fact, it can sometimes complicate things even more.
In this episode, Rosemarie shares how her mindset helped her grow her business so quickly and how it had to shift as she found success.
Looking for more information, mama? Visit the show notes at https://www.smartmoneymamas.com/rosemarie
Free Healthy Money Mantras Worksheet: https://smartmoneymamas.com/healthy-money-mindset-workbook/

Thursday Feb 06, 2020
Thursday Feb 06, 2020
#003: For most of us, our family is our first money community so we naturally pick up money beliefs from our parents as we’re growing up. As we get older, we often find that we want to develop money beliefs that better serve us individually. Finding a new money community can be tricky, but your people are out there, and having the right money community and support system can be the secret weapon to achieving your biggest financial goals.
In this episode, Chelsea talks with Stephonee from Poorer than You, Angela from Tread Lightly, Retire Early, and Julie from Millennial Boss—all moms and bloggers that have built incredible online money communities. Together, they dive into where our early money stories came from, how that influences our lives as we became adults and moms, and how to find a positive support network if you don’t already have one.
Looking for more information, mama? Visit the show notes at https://www.smartmoneymamas.com/3
Free Healthy Money Mantras Worksheet: https://smartmoneymamas.com/healthy-money-mindset-workbook/